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To be successful, the Open 3D Foundation needs community members like you to contribute code, get involved and help spread the word about the Foundation. We encourage you to sign up for a mailing list, join a committee, participate in discussions, contribute to a project, and stay informed about Foundation news, progress and events.

Interact With the Community

O3DF Mailing Lists

Discussion threads for the Governing Board, Technical Advisory Board, Committees & Community

O3DE Mailing Lists

Discussion threads for the O3DE Technical Steering Committee & Special Interest Groups (SIGs)


Channels for O3DE announcements, showcase, general discussions, special interest groups (SIGs) and committees


GitHub repos for various facets and special interest groups (SIGs) within O3DE


News, content and events from O3DE and O3DF


News, content and events from O3DE and O3DF


News, content and events from O3DE and O3DF

Meeting Calendar

Details for all O3DF and O3DE meetings

Join a Committee

Outreach Committee

Discussion channel for the O3DF Outreach Committee